Why and How to Do a Quick Changeover (SMED) Project

The mini-course below can help you understand and communicate the benefits of Quick Changeover (SMED) and how to do this in your organization.  

If you'd like to listen to the lessons in your own language, learn how here:  www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeS2zKSA6w4


Leading or Facilitating a Kaizen Event?

If you're looking to run a kaizen event for the first time, whether you're a high potential employee, a Supply Chain or Department leader, or a CI/OpEx professional, this is for you!

Learn more about or Kaizen Leader coaching program!


Practice Leading a Quick Changeover Event To Really Understand the Process! 

You will be able to: 

1) Lead or participate in a Simulation exercise where you will do a kaizen event on a changeover in a Simulated plant   

2) Make mistakes and learn from those.  Receive coaching on what you can improve.

3) Be fully ready and energized to do this in your own organization.

And it's all virtual, interactive and at no cost!  Yes, we have a promotional Simulation for you!

You can bring your own group or we can mix and match with another existing group. 

Join a Quick Changeover Simulation

Fill out this form to sign up.