Why and How Quality Leadership Should Move Past Reactive Quality
The mini-course below can help you understand why Quality Management should focus on the total cost of quality, how to expand the bandwidth of the Quality Department to engage more employees in improving quality and reduce costs.
As a bonus, we'll also explain a Pillar structure that can help your site of division transform completely.
If you'd like to listen to the lessons in your own language, learn how by clicking here.

Assess your Quality Management skills to see where your gaps are...
It will only take a few minutes, and at the end you can get your summary results by email so that you have them in the future, can track your progress, and compare with others.

This coaching program in your language will allow you to Lead your Quality Transformation and succeed in your role this year!
You will be able to:
1) Lead the quality improvement of your site or or division.
2) Establish a Quality Management Pillar Team, establishing a project selection process to help address all aspects of the total cost of quality.
3) Become an expert and a coach on Quality Management, A3 Practical Problem-Solving, 8D Problem Solving, Root Cause Corrective/Preventive Action Process, FMEA, DMAIC, Six Sigma statistical tools (Control Charts, Process Capability, Regression, Design of Experiments).
4) Make improvements to eliminate the biggest losses, and grow into focusing on proactive quality and new products and processes.
Learn more about our Quality Management Leader Coaching Program!