Get coached by our AI Assistant OpEx Coach!  

You can tell them what problem you're trying to solve, what goal you're trying to achieve, what struggles you're having, and he will coach you using the GROW coaching model! 

Choose from one of the options below.   We're trying all 3 out to see which one our customers like better!

This is a free additional service we're providing to supplement your skills development.  All that we ask for in return is some feedback at the bottom of this page!

Option A - OpenAI OpEx Coaches

Access our OpEx Coaches Custom GPT inside ChatGPT.

Use this link to access it, choose "I need help applying what I've learned to my job or projects", and start interacting with him!


Option B - BotPress OpEx Coaches

Access our OpEx Coaches Custom GPT inside BotPress.

Use this link to access it, and start interacting with him!


Option C - BotPress OpEx Coaches embedded

Access our BotPress OpEx Coaches Custom GPT right here at the bottom right corner of this page. (find blue chat icon) 

We hope you got value!  All that we ask in return is some feedback!

Please fill out the form below so that we can improve the Custom GPTs and choose which one will work better for you!  

Feedback about AI Assistants

One minute of your time will help thousands! And as a thank you we'll give you permanent access to this assistant and other value, guaranteed!