Let's Become Affiliate Marketing Partners!

Explore the benefits to you and the simple process below... 

We can Help You Sell Your Products or Services

Industrial and Supply Chain Organizations might be looking for similar offerings in other areas.  We can connect you!


You can earn an Affiliate Commission by Helping Us Sell Our Coaching Programs

Your customers or suppliers might be looking for what we offer. You can make some significant passive income by joining our Affiliate Program!  


Get all the Benefits! 

See below all the amazing benefits for you if you choose to become our Affiliate Marketing Partner!

Benefits of joining our Affiliate Marketing Program! 

1.  There could be some great synergies! 

Your audience, products, or services may be very complementary of what we offer.  If you don't offer it, you can still make money by referring our services!  

2. Mutually beneficial relationships compensated appropriately

By recommending or promoting our coaching programs you could earn an affiliate marketing payout.   

Example:  You help us sell 20 courses at $500 each, generating $10,000 in revenue.  Assuming a 10% commission, you would receive $1000. 

3. You don't have to barely do anything to sell! 

The process is super easy and completely passive.  See below how simple it is! 

Become a Belt Course Partner!

We'll just add you to our list and get in touch with you to discuss. 

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