Why TPM is a More Comprehensive System Beyond Maintenance
Course Forward:
- Consider sharing with others to understand why TPM is more comprehensive than just Maintenance, just at one Site, or just in Operations.
- And if you'd like to learn more about TPM or WCM (WCM is an evolution of TPM which attempts to modernize TPM and add other managerial pillars and technical pillars which were a gap in TPM), please visit our blog sections...
- TPM: https://www.beltcourse.com/blog?tag=total+productive+maintenance
- WCM: Note there will be a lot of overlapping articles, but that will help you also see the similarities and differences between TPM and WCM. https://www.beltcourse.com/blog?tag=total+productive+maintenance
TPM aims to maximize equipment effectiveness through comprehensive employee involvement. It seeks to transform the mindset from reactive repairs to proactive care, treating equipment as if it were brand new. This involves teamwork, skill development, and a focus on machine stability and availability. TPM strives for zero breakdowns and losses through strategies like autonomous maintenance and planned maintenance. The system focuses on addressing hidden defects and fostering a healthier company culture by prioritizing equipment health, comparing it to personal health. TPM implementation includes eight key strategies with a focus on the reality of broken machines. The approach encourages an aspirational zero-tolerance for breakdowns, similar to safety and quality goals.