$397 USD group price (50% off regular price of $800)


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Team Problem-Solver and Leader Group Offer

With this special group offer your group can go though the coaching programs and 2 simulation exercises together! 

What you'll get:

  • Access to the Team Problem-Solver and Leader Coaching Programs for 3 to 6 people.
  • After purchasing, you would just provide us with the list of 3 to 6 people, and we'll give them all immediate access to the lessons (~5 hours self-paced)   
  • After most learners complete each section we'll schedule a call to do each Coaching/Simulation Exercise together (multiple calls, ~ 4 hours total, all virtual). 
  • Great for team-building, and for your team to go ahead and solve real problems!

The total price will be the same, regardless if you have 3,4,5 or 6 people.  Only one payment is needed.  You can purchase multiple group offers if you have more than 9 people for example.