$297 USD group price (Regular Price would be $500)

Value Stream Mapping Workshop

Provide lessons and a Simulation exercise to your team in preparation for or when kicking off a Value Stream Mapping Workshop!

What you'll get:

  • Be ready and energized to do your own Value Stream Map, even if it's your first time!
  • 3 to 12 people will get access to the lessons (~1 hour self-paced) and Simulation coaching call (~2 hrs remote/hybrid, date/time of your convenience)

After getting your program, you'd just provide us with the contacts of the other participants, and we'd give them access as well.  

What People Are Saying:

The practical part was at an exceptional level. The funny moments, the explaining part, the way you help us when we made are mistakes. There's nothing I didn't like.

Supervisor - CEVA Logistics