How To Become the "Man She Wants"
This interactive guide will help you find the woman of your dreams by first becoming the man she wants.
You will learn from my learning journey. I was a nerd, not being able to talk to anyone, out of a bad relationship. I had to learn from all these experts, unlearn from bad things other "experts" tried to teach me. But I also learned from taking action, making mistakes, and reflecting on those mistakes.
You will see the best videos out there from experts in different areas, such as attraction, confidence, texting, dating, and sex. You will have access to a trained GPT assistant to share your struggles and receive coaching to overcome them. You will also have access to weekly individual or group calls to practice, be held accountable, and practice certain sticking points. And you'll have access to a community of other men going through the same journey. And you'll be able to do it all in your own language!
If you'd like to listen to the lessons in your own language, learn how here:
BEFORE - Section 0: Lay the Foundations
NOW - Section 1: From a "6" to a "10", Yourself First!
NEXT - Section 2: From Numbers to Dates, to More!
NEXT - Section 3: Good Things Happen When You Get Out!

Section 1: From a "6" to a "10", Yourself First!
Work on your personal goals to become a better man. And as you do that, you give yourself the boost of confidence and start getting yourself out there already!
(Roughly 3 hours to complete)
1.1. This is What She Wants!
- Why learn this? I used to think I wasn't good looking enough, and was too focused on my career making money. But only after I got into "game" I learned what "value" really is, and how to convey it to give honest attractive signals that go back to cavemen times! There are things you can change in yourself, internally, that make you more attractive!
- Watch these videos (or read their summary).
- Take Action: Think about mistakes you've made in the past because you didn't know these things. Then zone in on one mistake, and use our custom GPT to resolve it... click here to access it.
Read Summary Instead...
1.2. This is How You Improve Yourself!
- Why Learn This? Working on yourself will immediately give you that confidence boost, because you're a man in their quest to become a better man!
- Watch these videos and listen to the podcast episode (or read their summary).
- Take Action: Think about mistakes you've made in the past because you didn't know these things. Then zone in on one mistake, and use our custom GPT to resolve it... click here to access it.
Read Summary Instead...
1.3. Some Easy Ways to Increase Your Attractiveness Quickly!
- Why learn this? Yes, it's your internal belief system that will make you that alpha male. But in the short term, you can take a few immediate actions that will increase your external attraction and increase your confidence and success immediately!
- Watch these videos (or read their summary).
- Take Action: Think about mistakes you've made in the past because you didn't know these things. Then zone in on one mistake, and use our custom GPT to resolve it... click here to access it.
Read Summary Instead...
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It will help us make improvements to our course and coaching program, which will help you get the woman of your dreams!
Section 3: Good Things Happen When You Go Out!
OK, no excuses! It's time to take action out there. You need to understand a few basics, but if you don't take action, you won't improve!