Why and How to Adopt Advanced B2B Sales Strategies

b2b coaching b2b consulting commercial excellence Jan 14, 2024
  1. Focus on Distinction: As an advanced sales professional, aim to stand out from the crowd by adopting a mindset of doing the opposite of what others do. Be distinct in your approach, phrase questions unexpectedly, and create a high-value perception.

  2. Convey Independence: Project an image that you don't desperately need the business. Avoid giving off an aura of desperation, and instead, communicate that you're assessing whether it's a mutual fit. This professionalism can enhance your perceived value.

  3. Avoid Building Friendships: While long-term clients can be friends, avoid trying to build friendships with prospects. Prioritize closing business over establishing personal relationships to prevent sacrificing crucial moments for the sake of friendship.

  4. Move Beyond Cold Calling: For seasoned sales professionals, spending too much time on cold calls may not be the most efficient use of time. Focus on closing deals, and explore alternative methods such as prospecting campaigns or cold email automation for lead generation.

  5. Customer-Centric Approach: Maintain a customer-centric focus as you advance in your sales career. Avoid letting your expertise overshadow the importance of understanding and addressing the prospect's needs. Keep the emphasis on them, not you.

  6. Discerning Questions: Not all questions are equal. Differentiate yourself by asking big-picture questions focused on the prospect's challenges and values rather than getting bogged down in product details. Top performers ask more effective questions.

  7. Articulate Value Through Prospect: Instead of solely articulating the value yourself, expert salespeople excel at getting prospects to articulate the value. This involves guiding the prospect to express the potential benefits and gains tied to your offering.

  8. Shift from Price to Budget: Instead of fixating on the price, shift the conversation to budget. Discussing what the prospect is willing to invest to solve their challenges is more meaningful than just talking about the cost of your product or service.

  9. Guard Your Time: Recognize the value of your time as an advanced sales professional. Be vigilant in how you spend your time, setting clear rules about who you're willing to engage with. Prioritize conversations that align with your goals and guard your time accordingly.




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