Training Within Industry (TWI) - Why and What
Dec 16, 2023
Training Within Industry ( TWI ): History, Steps, Example and Why Use It
TWI Origins: Developed in the 1940s during a time of war, TWI aimed to tackle the shortage of skilled workers by training supervisors and experienced operators to instruct, improve methods, and maintain good worker relations.
Methodologies of TWI: Built on three core methodologies - Job Instruction, Job Methods, and Job Relations, later adding Job Safety, each targeting specific skills for supervisors to train and manage effectively.
TWI Success Metrics: Through TWI implementation, notable outcomes were observed across various companies: increased production (86%), reduced training time (100%), lowered labor hours (88%), decreased scrap (55%), and minimized claims (100%).
TWI Implementation and Impact: The example of B-17 airplane production showcased the effectiveness of TWI, leading to significant improvements in productivity, labor content, and cost reduction within a span of 32 months.
TWI's Modern Relevance: Even after 70+ years, TWI remains relevant by addressing contemporary industry challenges such as labor flexibility, technology skills, standardization, and quality improvement, not only in manufacturing but also expanding into healthcare and other sectors.
Who is TWI for? Any Supervisor! Why?
Training Within Industry's 5 Needs of a Good Supervisor
- Introduction to TWI: Steven Lutz introduces the Training Within Industry (TWI) concept, highlighting its relevance for supervisors across various roles, emphasizing the importance of identifying and addressing gaps in supervisor skills.
- Definition of Supervisor: Describes a supervisor as anyone in charge of people or directing work, spanning from CEOs to line operators, emphasizing the video's relevance for those overseeing others.
- Purpose of the Video: Clarifies that the video aims to introduce and review the five needs of a good supervisor within TWI.
- Identifying Workplace Problems: Discusses common problems affecting quality, production, and cost in workplaces, drawing parallels between historical problems and contemporary issues, setting the stage for addressing these challenges.
- The Five Needs of a Good Supervisor: Outlines the key elements essential for supervisors within TWI, namely:
- Knowledge of the work
- Knowledge of responsibilities
- Skill in improving methods
- Skill in leading
- Skill in instructing
Training Within Industry is "The Missing Link in Lean"
- TWI is presented as a crucial element in Lean methodology, addressing issues such as poor training that might not be a root cause itself.
- Reasons for Poor Training:
- Factors contributing to poor training include resource allocation, lack of standardized training, and absence of an accountability system.
- TWI's Focus and Impact:
- TWI emphasizes growing leaders and promoting leadership, particularly at the supervisor level, highlighting the importance of standardized work and standardized training.
- Role of Job Instruction Training:
- Job Instruction Training under TWI encourages a no-blame environment, attributing faults to the training system that needs improvement rather than individual faults.
- PDCA Model and Continuous Improvement:
- Emphasizes the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) model as a continuous, ongoing process focused on actual versus expected results, involving both supervisors' responsibilities and continuous process improvement.
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