Training and Development Overview

blended learning education people development total productive maintenance world class manufacturing Nov 01, 2023

Training Overview and Purpose:

  • Definition and Purpose: Training involves imparting basic or advanced job skills to employees. It's essential for job performance and aligning with the company's strategic goals.
  • Integration with Performance Management: It's a vital part of a broader performance management strategy, entailing goal-setting, assessment, and providing necessary training for goal achievement.

Training Process - 5 Steps:

  • Needs Analysis: This includes task analysis (identifying specific skills required for a job) and performance analysis (verifying performance deficiencies and determining if training can address them).
  • Designing Effective Training: Emphasizes making the material meaningful, easy to transfer to the job, and motivating for learners. It involves providing ample practice and immediate reinforcement.
  • Validation Process: Testing the effectiveness of the training on a sample of employees to ensure its validity for broader application.
  • Implementation: Executing the training for employees, scheduling it at optimal times, and breaking it down into manageable segments to prevent fatigue.
  • Evaluation: Often an overlooked step, evaluating the training's effectiveness is crucial. It involves measuring trainee reactions, knowledge acquisition, behavioral changes, and actual improvements in job performance.

Measuring Training Effectiveness:

  • Trainee Reactions: Assessing how trainees perceive and react to the training, similar to course evaluations in an educational setting.
  • Knowledge Acquisition: Testing the individual's understanding and retention of the covered material.
  • Behavioral Changes: Observing if employees apply the learned skills or behaviors in their work environment.
  • Job Performance Improvement: Analyzing actual improvements in employee performance post-training, ideally resulting in a significant enhancement as illustrated through performance graphs.


  • Training Program Worth: Acknowledging the complexity and time-consuming nature of designing and implementing training programs, but highlighting their substantial value when all five steps are diligently executed.

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