Training and Development Fundamentals

education people development Nov 28, 2023

Training and Development Fundamentals

  • Competency Models:

    • Identification of KSAs (Knowledge, Skills, Abilities) for specific job roles.
    • Utilizing models to determine necessary training for new employees or job transitions.
  • Training vs. Development:

    • Training: Immediate job-related skill acquisition for current tasks.
    • Development: Ongoing education enhancing communication, decision-making, and preparing for future roles.
  • Onboarding Process:

    • Introduction of new employees to company policies, job functions, and organizational norms.
    • Enhancing job satisfaction, performance, and reducing turnover rates through effective onboarding.

Training Process Steps

  • Structured Training Process:

    • Five-step process: Needs assessment, selecting methods, implementation, evaluation, and follow-up.
    • Ensures effectiveness, aligning training with organizational objectives, and measuring ROI.
  • Learning Theories and Styles:

    • Classical Conditioning, Operant Conditioning, and Social Learning as foundational theories.
    • Recognizing varied learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile) in designing comprehensive training programs.

Evaluation and Assessment

  • Four-Level Evaluation Method:

    • Measures reaction, learning, behavior, and results of training.
    • Assesses trainees' responses, knowledge gained, behavioral changes, and organizational impacts.
  • Challenges in Assessment:

    • Developing metrics to assess training effectiveness and organizational changes.
    • Utilizing data analysis to evaluate the success of different training approaches.

Employee Development and Career Stages

  • Career Development Stages:
    • Exploration: Early stage, exploration of job roles and personal contributions.
    • Establishment: Creating alliances, seeking advancement, and stability in mid-career.
    • Maintenance: Advancement while seeking personal growth in later stages.


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