Top 3 Six Sigma Certification Providers

career advice education lean six sigma quality management six sigma Feb 13, 2024
Top 3 Six Sigma Certification Providers

Organizations for Six Sigma Certifications: Top 3



  • The speaker introduces the topic of the best organizations for Six Sigma certifications, based on their personal opinion and experience.
  • They acknowledge the common question about the best certification organization and the confusion surrounding the multitude of options available.


Top Three Organizations:

  • IAS SE (International Association for Six Sigma Certification) is recognized as a reputable institution with a long-standing presence in the industry.
  • Villanova University offers a comprehensive black belt training program, known for its rigorous examination process.
  • ASQ (American Society for Quality) is highlighted as one of the best organizations for certifications, particularly esteemed and widely recognized in the industry.


Certification Process and Challenges:

  • The speaker discusses the tough and rigorous nature of certification exams across all organizations.
  • They emphasize the importance of being prepared for the challenges and pitfalls of the certification process.
  • A significant portion of candidates (~60-65%) fail the exams, indicating the difficulty level of the certification process.


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