Top 12 Facilitation Techniques And Tactics From An Expert Facilitator

b2b coaching b2b consulting education facilitation Dec 11, 2023

Preparation and Engagement:

  • Introduction and Familiarization: Send an introductory email, including your introduction, workshop schedule, and tool familiarization tips. Utilize a video greeting to establish a personal connection.
  • Pre-Activity Exercises: Encourage participants to engage pre-workshop with a short activity, using the workshop tools. Monitor engagement and send reminders to ensure readiness.

Clear Instruction Techniques:

  • What-Why-How Formula: Structure instructions for exercises by stating what will be done, why it's crucial, and clear steps on how to complete tasks, ensuring participants grasp the purpose and steps involved.
  • Singular Method Approach: Present exercises with a single, clear method to avoid confusion among participants. Share clear examples as reference points for clarity.

Workshop Dynamics Management:

  • Energizer Activities: Commence sessions with short energizers to boost engagement and set a lively tone.
  • Balanced Participation: Distribute passive listening and active participation segments evenly throughout the workshop, maintaining engagement levels.

Discussion and Facilitation Control:

  • Moderation and Time Management: Communicate the facilitator's role in controlling discussions, maintaining timelines, and redirecting discussions effectively without disrupting the flow.
  • Preparation for Facilitator Control: Explain in advance how interruptions might occur, seeking verbal acknowledgment from participants to ensure understanding and support.

Handling Difficult Participants:

  • Acknowledgment and Redirection: Acknowledge disruptive contributions politely, express gratitude for the input, and redirect the discussion to a later time, maintaining focus on the current agenda.
  • Utilizing Parking Lot Method: Employ the "parking lot" technique to defer unrelated discussions for later, ensuring disruptive topics are noted but not immediately addressed to maintain workshop momentum.


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