The Benefits of Operational Excellence in Milliken's Experience

champion / sponsor operational excellence Oct 09, 2023

Here are the best YouTube videos on the benefits of Operational Excellence in Milliken's Experience, according to operators, top leaders, and middle managers.


Benefits according to Operators:

  • Milliken Associates previously faced chaotic and unstructured workdays with constant firefighting and uncertainty.
  • They have since implemented a structured operational excellence system that provides clear expectations and planning for each day's tasks.
  • Daily routines include safety checks, team meetings, and discussions about machine operation and production goals.
  • Communication and teamwork among associates, operators, and technicians are emphasized to ensure smooth operations.
  • The company prioritizes safety above all else, followed by quality and production, and associates are empowered to stop operations if safety or quality is compromised.


Benefits according to Plant Leadership:

  • Jack Dag is the General Manager of Sonoco's packaging services in Poland, overseeing a large pack center with 1,500 employees and 65 production lines.
  • The pack center serves a single customer, and the success of the business relies on maintaining the confidence of this customer.
  • About 16 months ago, the customer requested a more structured continuous improvement process, leading to the implementation of the Milliken performance system (now called the Sonoco performance system) in the plant.
  • The implementation has resulted in a more organized workplace, improved 5S organization, enhanced problem-solving, and increased engagement among the workforce.
  • The plant has seen significant improvements, including $500,000 in savings on the initial phase, a seven percent improvement in Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) in the last four months, and positive feedback from the customer regarding improved problem-solving and processes.


Benefits according to Top Leadership:

  • The VP of Operations highlights the challenge of program sustainability in corporate environments and the need for holistic cultural transformation.
  • They emphasize the importance of tailoring communication about change and business goals to individual employees' relevance and understanding.
  • The engagement in the operating system has positively impacted employees by transforming their roles and increasing their strategic contributions.
  • The speaker emphasizes the role of leadership in understanding the purpose and alignment of an operating system, as well as the need for a unified front during transformation.
  • The major challenges in implementing an operating system include achieving alignment, finding the right pace for change, and seeking external expertise, as demonstrated by the partnership with Milliken for practical solutions.

Course Forward:

  • Struggling to convince your organization to embark in an Operational Excellence transformation?
  • What if we made it easy for leaders to understand the benefit and experience the benefits of a transformation first hand?
  • With our OpEx Simulations and programs in any language, you can do this!  
  • Learn more at

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