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The Benefits of Design of Experiments (DOE) Using a Case Study

commercial excellence lean six sigma quality management six sigma Nov 11, 2023

Overview of DoE's Efficiency in Process Optimization:

  • Introduction by Paul Allen: Introduces DoE as the swiftest method to optimize processes for speed, cost-effectiveness, and quality enhancement.
  • Case Study Focus - Cleaning Process: Details a case study centered on optimizing a three-stage cleaning process controlled by six variables.

Complexity in Variable Manipulation:

  • Control Panel Variables: Describes the six variables (vapor, ultrasonics, immersion, agitation, vapor-2, and freeboard) available for manipulation in the cleaning process.
  • Variable Settings Range: Highlights the range of settings for each variable, showcasing the vast number of choices available (ranging from 20 to 600).

Understanding the Complexity:

  • Hidden Complexity Beyond Variables: Emphasizes the hidden complexity not just in the number of variables but in the combinations possible, resulting in a staggering 625 trillion potential settings.
  • Challenges in Optimization: Explains the challenge in comprehensively optimizing the process due to the multitude of potential configurations.

DoE's Solution and Approach:

  • Introduction of Taguchi L12: Introduces Taguchi L12, a pre-designed test comprising only 12 setups, strategically created to navigate the vast 625 trillion combinations.
  • Efficiency in Experimentation: Showcases how DoE's Taguchi L12 experiment efficiently narrows down the best settings out of the enormous possibility space.

Insights Unveiled by DoE:

  • Critical Variables Influencing Cleaning Process: Reveals immersion, freeboard, and ultrasonics as the most influential variables impacting the cleaning process.
  • Data and Insights from 12 Tests: Demonstrates how just 12 strategically designed tests yield crucial insights, saving time and resources while unraveling essential process factors.


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