The 7 Steps to Implement Focused Improvement

cost deployment focused improvement português total productive maintenance world class manufacturing Apr 01, 2024
The 7 Steps to Implement Focused Improvement


Focused improvement is an essential approach to reducing costs, enhancing quality, and optimizing industrial processes through specific methods and appropriate tools.


The Seven Steps of Focused Improvement:

  • Definition of Model Area

    • Begins with defining the focus area or machines, prioritizing the constraint/bottleneck and or the ones with the highest business impact.
  • Identification of Losses:

    • These losses may include increased costs, quality defects, imbalance, material shortages, among others.
  • Selection of Theme and Preparation of Action Plans:

    • A improvement theme is selected based on identified priorities.
    • Action plans are prepared to address these themes, considering costs, implementation speed, and impact on identified losses.
  • Definition of Project Team:

    • A dedicated team is assigned to execute improvement projects.
    • This team is responsible for developing and implementing the identified improvement strategies.
  • Project Development:

    • Improvement projects are developed using appropriate methods and tools to address problems of varying complexities.
  • Cost and Benefit Analysis:

    • Detailed analysis of costs and benefits associated with each improvement project is conducted.
    • This aids in decision-making regarding the feasibility and prioritization of projects.
  • Monitoring and Horizontal Expansion:

    • Improvement projects are continuously monitored to ensure their effectiveness.
    • Successful projects may lead to horizontal expansion of improvements to other areas within the company.


Course Forward:

  • Focused improvement is crucial for companies aiming to achieve world-class standards in their operations.
  • By following the outlined seven steps, companies can effectively identify, plan, and implement improvements that reduce costs, enhance quality, and drive operational efficiency.
  • Integration between WCM drivers and focused improvement further strengthens companies' ability to achieve and sustain excellence in their operations.
  • Would you like to improve you skills to guide the improvement efforts and develop the capabilities to focus on the biggest opportunities in your Site or Region?




"Technical Pillars of WCM Light: Focused Improvement Part 1 - 12/22" is a document that discusses the principles and processes of focused improvement within the context of WCM (World Class Manufacturing) Light.


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