The 4 Types of Marketing Emails in B2B (Consulting)

b2b coaching b2b consulting commercial excellence Jan 15, 2024

Building and Maintaining Email List:

  • Emphasis on the importance of building an email list for online sales, surpassing the impact of social media.
  • Cultivating an audience through email lists is recommended to avoid dependency on any single platform.

Types of Emails to Send:

  • Four specific types of emails are recommended for strategic growth and business scaling.
  • Purpose and method behind sending emails to the audience are highlighted for effective communication.

Weekly Content Emails:

  • The first type involves sending weekly content emails to the audience.
  • Promoting free content is emphasized to engage subscribers and train them to expect valuable, non-sales emails regularly.
  • Establishing a routine of sending content helps create a culture of anticipation and trust among the audience.

Occasional Over-Delivered Value Emails:

  • The second type suggests sending occasional emails with over-delivered value to make subscribers feel special.
  • Sending valuable content that is not available publicly helps build engagement and trust.
  • Examples include sharing interesting articles, insights, or behind-the-scenes content exclusively with the email list.

Survey Emails for Feedback:

  • The third type involves sending survey emails to gather feedback and insights from the audience.
  • Using tools like Google Forms or Typeform to create short and pointed surveys.
  • Surveys can be focused on topics such as potential course ideas or challenges the audience is currently facing.

Promotional Emails:

  • The fourth type is promotional emails, urging strategic planning for promotions to maximize revenue.
  • Importance of having a promotional calendar to plan and schedule offers is emphasized.
  • Overusing promotions without a plan is cautioned against, and the value of having a structured promotional calendar is highlighted.

Engagement and Relationship Building:

  • Calls for engagement with the audience are highlighted as essential to maintaining a warm and engaged email list.
  • Encouraging subscribers to reply to emails and share their thoughts creates a sense of community and interaction.
  • The value of keeping the audience informed and training them to open and click on emails is emphasized.

Strategic Approach to Email Marketing:

  • The overall message encourages business owners to have a strategic approach to email marketing, combining weekly content, occasional value, feedback gathering, and planned promotions for long-term success.



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