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Root Cause Analysis Using 5 Why

a3 problem-solving machine reliability methodologies quality management supply chain management Nov 01, 2023

Understanding 5 Why Analysis

  • Purpose of 5 Whys: Explains the 5 Whys tool's application in root cause analysis within industrial settings and the challenge of effective utilization.
  • Tool Overview: Describes the iterative nature of the tool, repeatedly asking "why" to uncover deeper layers of causation.
  • The Problem-Solving Funnel: Begins with a vague, high-level problem that needs understanding and data. It involves breaking down the issue, observing and understanding the work deeply, and identifying the point of occurrence or direct cause.

  • Introduction to the 5 Whys: The 5 Whys or causal chain method involves asking "why" multiple times to trace the problem's root cause. It's illustrated using Taiichi Ohno's example at Toyota in the 1950s regarding recurring machine breakdowns.


Process Stages in Problem-Solving

  • Fishbone Method: Introduces the initial step of using a fishbone diagram to identify multiple potential causes for a specific problem.
  • Cause Selection: Discusses the process of narrowing down potential causes to the most likely ones before initiating the 5Y analysis.


Phases in 5Y Analysis

  • Sequential Inquiry: Explains the five-step approach of asking "why" to peel back layers of causation until reaching the root cause.
  • Example of 5 Whys in Action: Ohno's approach involved going beyond surface-level causes. For instance, a blown fuse led to identifying an overload caused by insufficient lubrication, eventually uncovering a worn shaft due to the absence of a strainer allowing metal chips to damage the pump.

  • Deep Root Cause Analysis: The process involves tracing the chain of causation from surface issues to deeper underlying problems, ensuring that countermeasures target the actual root cause, not just symptoms.

  • Evolution of Causes: Highlights the transition from physical causes (e.g., machine or material issues) to underlying process-related causes.


Actionable Insights from Analysis

  • Choosing Intervention Levels: Suggests strategically selecting the level of intervention; it's not always necessary to focus solely on the fifth "why".
  • Temporary Solutions: Advocates for implementing cost-effective temporary solutions at various levels within the analysis.
  • Application of Countermeasures: By addressing the identified root cause, in this case, implementing a strainer, the goal is to solve the problem permanently rather than temporarily patching it with band-aid solutions.


Communication and Implementation

  • Logical Sequencing: Emphasizes the importance of maintaining a logical sequence to effectively communicate findings, especially to stakeholders.
  • Team Involvement: Stresses involving relevant departments or teams to ensure successful implementation and prevent future occurrences.


Course Forward:

Do you or your colleagues have any of these common Problem-Solving struggles?

# 5 Why Struggles
# Fishbone struggles
# Team-Based Approach struggles
# Problem recurrence struggles
# Change/Sustainment struggles


If someone can answer “Yes” to any of those questions… It’s very likely they haven’t developed these skills….

- Explain to a team how to do a 5 Why Analysis, the keys to success, and the common pitfalls to avoid.
- Explain to the team how to use a fishbone diagram, how to brainstorm, how to "afinitize", and how to multi-vote.  
- Lead an A3 Problem-Solving Project and Meetings using an A3 Problem-Solving tool/process.

Assess these and other Problem-Solving Skills
- Either for yourself, your team, or your colleagues
- Receive a Summary Report
- FREE and Easy!

Here's the link to try it out:

And please consider sharing it with others!


Sources:  (best YouTube videos on 5 Why Analysis)


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