People Development (aka Education & Training) Pillar Overview
Aug 09, 2024
The People Development (in WCM) or Education and Training (in TPM) pillar systematically develops practical skills and technical knowledge across all organizational levels to enhance performance, support individual growth, and drive long-term growth.
Importance of Training: Organizations that invest in training see better long-term performance, while neglecting training can lead to a vicious cycle of ongoing issues and firefighting.
TPM Education and Training Pillar: This pillar is crucial for building a system that provides timely training in TPM methods, enhances skills in equipment operation and maintenance, and supports individual development goals.
Skills Development: TPM Education and Training focuses on practical, on-the-job training (OJT) to develop technical skills and knowledge, combining classroom learning with hands-on practice.
Scope Beyond Production: The pillar extends its training to engineering, design, finance, and other support areas, ensuring that all relevant staff have the competencies needed to achieve high performance.
Systematic Approach: TPM Education and Training is implemented across three phases (preparation, rollout, and expansion) and involves a leadership-driven strategy to integrate people development with long-term organizational goals.
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