Mark DeLuzio Shares the Keys to Success of the Danaher Business System (DBS)

b2b coaching b2b consulting champion / sponsor lean operational excellence opex opex strategy strategic planning world class manufacturing Dec 02, 2023


  • Webinar Series Overview: The Enterprise Excellence Network conducts senior-level lean leadership webinars, with this session featuring Mark DeLuzio, facilitated by Professor Peter Hines.
  • Purpose: This session aims to provide an executive overview comparing the Danaher Business System to the Toyota Production System, focusing on enterprise-wide strategies.

Overview of Danaher Business System

  • Evolution: Initially manufacturing-oriented, evolved into an enterprise-wide system emphasizing policy/strategy deployment.
  • Strategic Focus: Policy deployment emerged as a linchpin, aligning organizational objectives across all levels.
  • Enterprise-Wide Emphasis: Goal shifted from excelling in manufacturing to becoming the best global enterprise.

Components of the System

Strategy and Alignment

  • Policy Deployment Significance: Critical to transform from a manufacturing-centric to an enterprise-wide system.
  • Objective Clarity: Not solely pursuing manufacturing excellence but an overarching enterprise success.
  • Breaking Silos: Addressing functional barriers as hindrances to holistic organizational progress.

Stakeholder Emphasis

  • Collective Wins: Shifting focus from individual function excellence to collective stakeholder success.
  • Right People in Lean Roles: Emphasizing the importance of adept individuals in key Lean positions.

Challenges Encountered

Roadblocks and Misconceptions

  • Learning from Mistakes: Emphasizing the significance of learning from failures for substantial growth.
  • Silos Dismantling Challenges: Overcoming resistance to break down functional barriers.

Non-Measurable Improvements

  • Unquantifiable Lean Progress: Highlighting the need to address Lean improvements that aren't easily measurable but remain crucial.
  • Strategic vs. Non-Strategic Processes: Balancing focus between strategic and non-strategic process improvements.

Hands-On Leadership

  • CEO Involvement: Stressing the necessity for CEOs and leaders to actively participate in transformation.
  • Knowledge and Engagement: Encouraging leaders to immerse themselves deeply in the transformation process.

Values and Principles in Practice

Embedding Values into Processes

  • Values Integration: Integrating core values into everyday operational practices.
  • Continuous Improvement Framework: Using values and principles as the backbone for continuous progress.

Redefining Success

  • Beyond Financial Metrics: Rethinking success beyond financial indicators.
  • Defining Success Parameters: Importance of framing success criteria before measuring quantitatively.

Leadership Influence

  • Cultural Impact: How leadership changes influenced and shaped the respect for people within Danaher.
  • Employee Treatment Evolution: Changes in employee treatment during the transformational period.

Continuous Learning and Improvement

  • Learning from Mistakes: Encouraging a culture of learning from errors for ongoing improvement.
  • Cultural Transformation: Shifting the organizational culture towards a learning-centric environment.

Scaling and Adaptability

  • Scaling Down Strategies: Insights into adapting the system for various organizational sizes.
  • Adapting to Maturity Levels: Adjustments based on the maturity level of engagement within different organizational structures.


  • CEO Guidance: Advocating for customization rather than replication of existing systems.
  • Emphasis on Journey: Highlighting the journey of change and continuous improvement over immediate, quantifiable results.


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