Management Commitment and Readiness for OpEx Transformation

champion / sponsor leadership opex strategy Sep 04, 2023
Management Commitment and Readiness for OpEx Transformation

Management Commitment

  • Ensure top management's full commitment to lean initiatives.
  • Management must lead and embody the change.
  • Delegating lean to others is ineffective; leaders must drive the change themselves.


Managerial Resistance

  • Identify managers who may resist lean initiatives.
  • Address motivation, skill gaps, or the need for additional training.
  • Recognize that different departments may adopt changes at varying paces.


Trust in Management

  • Address any fear or mistrust of management among associates.
  • Consistency in management actions is key to building trust.
  • Engage with employees one-on-one to rebuild trust if necessary.


Frontline Leadership

  • Develop strong frontline leaders to support lean initiatives.
  • Aim for a higher ratio of leaders to associates for better guidance.
  • Invest in long-term leadership development for organizational continuity.


Precedent for Training

  • Set a precedent for teaching and developing employees.
  • Dedicate time and resources to employee development.
  • Use daily huddles or startup meetings to focus on continuous improvement and training.




There are other less critical readiness items to consider that you can work on as you start the transformation.  These are described below.


True Teamwork

  • Evaluate and cultivate true teamwork within the organization.
  • Encourage accountability for problem-solving and performance.
  • Differentiate between a close-knit "family" and a goal-oriented team.


Metrics and Measurements

  • Implement basic metrics to track production performance.
  • Metrics help quantify improvements and maintain organizational buy-in.
  • Examples include lead time, units per hour, defects per month, and inventory turns.


Production Clarity

  • Ensure clear and accurate production instructions.
  • Establish standards for product specs, work methods, and process parameters.
  • Clarity in production instructions prevents confusion and waste.


Design and Development Support

  • Provide adequate design and development support.
  • Ensure engineering and R&D work is completed before production starts.
  • Avoid wasting time on production floors by pre-solving design issues.


Realistic Expectations of 5S

  • Understand that 5S won't solve all quality or production flow issues.
  • Recognize 5S as a starting point that creates clarity and abnormality detection.
  • Prepare for additional lean tools and methods to address deeper issues beyond 5S.

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