Kaizen Event Failure? The Biggest Mistakes Leaders Make

champion / sponsor education focused improvement kaizen Apr 12, 2024

Introduction to the Video and Context:

  • The video addresses the experience of leading a Kaizen event without prior knowledge.
  • A LinkedIn message from an individual seeking guidance on conducting a Kaizen event serves as the basis for discussion.
  • The speaker empathizes with those new to Kaizen initiatives and emphasizes the commonality of their struggles.


Overview of the Kaizen Event and Email Exchange:

  • The individual describes their background in continuous improvement initiatives over five years but acknowledges the absence of formal training.
  • A Kaizen event focusing on machine output and infrastructure challenges is mentioned.
  • Despite facing difficulties and uncertainty, the individual commits to tackling the Kaizen event with determination.  While the desired outcome was not fully achieved, the individual managed to gather valuable data highlighting underlying constraints.
  • The importance of learning from setbacks and viewing them as opportunities for growth is emphasized.


Importance of Structured Approach and Kaizen Charter:

  • The need for a structured approach to Kaizen is emphasized, including the use of a Kaizen Charter.
  • Components of an effective Kaizen Charter, such as problem statement, specific metrics, and scoped objectives, are outlined.
  • The absence of a team leader during the Kaizen event is identified as a potential hindrance to its success.


Role Clarification within Kaizen Teams:

  • The roles of the Kaizen facilitator, team leader, and process owner are delineated.
  • It is suggested that the process owner, serving as the team leader, should have a vested interest in resolving the identified problem.


Addressing Challenges Faced by Kaizen Leaders and Facilitators:

  • The speaker urges organizations to provide adequate training and support to individuals tasked with leading Kaizen events.
  • Without proper preparation and guidance, Kaizen participants may struggle to effectively address complex issues.
  • The significance of a structured problem-solving approach in achieving predictable results is underscored.




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