How to Use facilitation Techniques to Go From Problems to Countermeasures

a3 problem-solving b2b coaching b2b consulting employee engagement facilitation methodologies Dec 07, 2023
  • Purpose of the Exercise:

    • Efficiently solves problems and makes decisions in structured meetings.
    • Applicable to various scenarios, including product design, feature development, and team problem-solving.
  • Materials Needed:

    • Pink and plain rectangular post-its, two types of dots, sharpies, scissors, a timer, a flat surface for sticking items.
  • Process Overview:

    • Individuals write down problems/challenges in seven minutes using post-its.
    • Each person presents their problems briefly, then everyone silently votes with dots on the most crucial issues.
    • The most voted problems are transformed into "How Might We" statements (HMWs) for standardized solutions.
  • Solution Building:

    • Focuses on producing quantity over quality in generating ideas.
    • Team members generate multiple solutions within seven minutes for the prioritized HMWs.
  • Voting on Solutions:

    • Individuals silently vote on the solutions they find most intriguing, aiming for short-term implementation.
    • Prioritized solutions are arranged on a surface and marked for further consideration.
  • Effort-Impact Assessment:

    • Moderator places solutions on an effort-impact scale with input from the team.
    • Identifies high-impact, low-effort solutions (sweet spot) for immediate action and marks them with green dots.

This exercise guides a team through problem-solving without open discussion, fostering structured decision-making and actionable outcomes.


Conclusion and Course Forward:

  • Hands-On Approach: Encouragement to practically apply problem-solving methodologies.
  • Would you like to assess your Team Problem-Solving and Facilitation Skills?
    • Identify your strengths and opportunities with the most critical team problem-solving skills, so you can continue to develop and fine-tune them to advance in your career.
    • Take 5 minutes to fill it out, and then get your results.  

    • Click here to access it!




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