How to Drive Change (Using the ADKAR model)
Aug 31, 2023
ADKAR Change Management Model Overview:
- The ADKAR Change Management Model is designed to facilitate successful change, whether at an individual or organizational level.
- Developed by Jeff Hiatt (founder of PROSCI), the model focuses uniquely on guiding change at the individual level, emphasizing that organizational change relies on individual transformations.
- ADKAR describes the five building blocks of successful change for an individual: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability, and Reinforcement.
- It is a sequential but not linear model, meaning the steps must happen in order for successful change, but individuals can go forward and backward.
- Each step corresponds to a specific outcome, with the progression from one step to another building the foundation for successful change.
- The five letters in ADKAR represent the stages of an individual's journey through change: Awareness of the need for change, Desire to participate and support, Knowledge on what to do, Ability to do the job differently, and Reinforcement to ensure the change sticks.
- The model enables leaders and change managers to concentrate efforts on driving individual change, ultimately leading to organizational change.
ADKAR Framework Steps:
- Outcome: Individuals gain an awareness and understanding of the need for change.
- Management's Role: Ensure everyone comprehends the necessity for change.
- Outcome: Individuals develop the desire to participate in and support the change.
- Three Aims: Foster dissatisfaction, explain negative consequences, and make individuals want to be part of the change.
- Outcome: Individuals acquire knowledge of how to change, including transition actions and future skills.
- Imparting Knowledge: Through education, training, coaching, mentoring, or workshops.
- Outcome: Individuals can demonstrate the desired new skills and behaviors.
- Support: Management aids in acquiring and practicing new behaviors through training and resource provision.
- Outcome: New change and behaviors are reinforced within each individual to sustain the change.
- Methods: Corrective action, positive reinforcement, feedback, rewards, recognition, and celebrations.
Pros and Cons
Advantages of ADKAR Model:
- Focuses on outcomes rather than tasks, measuring progress at the individual level.
- Provides a clear checklist for managing change, facilitating easy identification and rectification of gaps.
- Recognizes the pivotal role of individuals in facilitating change, going beyond top-down, process-driven approaches.
Disadvantages of ADKAR Model:
- Better suited for smaller change initiatives; may not be sufficient for large-scale changes.
- Ignores the complexity of change, such as the need for a vision, long-term planning, and adaptability over time.
Course Forward:
- The ADKAR Change Management Model emphasizes the human element of change, highlighting that successful organizational change stems from the collective transformation of individuals within the organization.
- ADKAR can be used in various ways, such as guiding change management approaches, diagnosing gaps, engaging people managers, teaching senior leaders, and fostering a common language within organizations for discussing and navigating change.
- Do you or your colleagues have any of these common culture change struggles? ... Resistance to Change, Habits Change, Coaching, Feedback, Trust, Blame?
- If someone can answer “Yes” to any of those… It’s very likely they haven’t developed these skills….
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