Why and How to Do TWI Job Instruction

a3 problem-solving blended learning education lean methodologies people development simulations and scenarios Dec 17, 2023

Training Within Industry: Job Instructions (JI) - Preview

  • Purpose of TWI Job Instruction Training:

    • Developed to equip supervisors with effective instructing skills.
    • Contrasts ISO 9001 standards by focusing on the "how-to" rather than general guidelines.
    • Aims to ensure competence in job execution through structured training.
  • Key Objectives of Job Instruction Training:

    • Enable correct, quick, and conscientious job execution.
    • Address root causes by standardizing training methods.
    • Optimize allocation of training resources and time.
  • Methodology of Training:

    • Emphasizes step-by-step instruction with a focus on demonstrating and explaining tasks.
    • Involves a seven-step process for effective training sessions.
    • Advocates for consistent application through the use of training cards as a guide.
  • Challenges in Training Implementation:

    • Acknowledges the prevalent need for better training within companies despite insufficient action taken to address it.



 How To Perform Training Within Industry Job Instruction - Preview

  • Focus on TWI Job Instructions: The session delves into the effectiveness of TWI job instructions compared to traditional methods, emphasizing their efficiency in training.
  • Key Components: It highlights two crucial aspects: creating a job breakdown sheet and the four-step training process: preparation, presentation, application, and testing, aligned with PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act).
  • Practical Implementation: Using an underwriter's case as an example, the process of creating a job breakdown sheet is demonstrated, emphasizing identifying key points and error prevention.
  • Segmented Training Approach: Advocates for breaking training into teachable segments to prevent overwhelming learners, drawing from an example of dividing assembly training into manageable parts for effective learning.
  • Benefits and Sustainability: Shows significant reductions in word count (80%) for clearer, user-friendly instructions. It also highlights statistics indicating a 25% reduction in training time and emphasizes the sustainability and benefits of TWI training in driving quality, productivity, and leadership development within an organization.


 You might be wondering, why have I not heard much about this methodology although it's been around for a long time...  History helps you understand.

A Brief History of T.W.I. (Training Within Industry): The Post War Era

  • Post-War Era of TWI:

    • After World War II, TWI persisted for a few years before fading.
    • US occupation in Japan aimed to revamp industrial methods, identifying a lack of suitable training for supervisors and workers.
    • Recognizing the need for training due to war's impact on Japan's economy, the US brought TWI to Japan, fostering its growth and integration into Japanese culture.
  • TWI's Impact in Japan:

    • By 1966, over 1 million managers and supervisors in Japan were trained in TWI.
    • TWI became integral to Japanese practices, influencing systems like Toyota Production System (TPS) and fostering cultural change through job instruction and methods.
  • TWI's Influence Beyond Japan:

    • TWI extended globally post-war, adopted by various countries including Great Britain, European nations, New Zealand, and others in diverse industries from railways to banking.
  • Challenges to TWI's Sustainability:

    • Alterations to the original TWI program, lack of proper management support, and the absence of a governing body led to TWI's decline by the 1990s in the US and parts of Europe.
  • Importance and Lessons from TWI:

    • TWI's legacy endures in lean methodologies like error-proofing, standardization, teamwork promotion, and the need for a supportive infrastructure for sustainable training programs.


And seeing the process in practice will help you understand the benefits and how it works better than "traditional" training.

 Training Within Industry 1944 Video

  • Introduction to a new drill press operator, Mary, by Fred, showcasing initial guidance and safety measures.
  • Fred's initial instructions lack precision, leading to errors in the drilling process by Mary.
  • Fred realizes the necessity for detailed, step-by-step instructions and individualized teaching methods.
  • The training methodology evolves to include explicit instructions, practical demonstration, hands-on practice, and comprehensive understanding of the task's reasons and implications.
  • The significance of meticulous instruction is highlighted for effective skill acquisition, emphasizing its long-term benefits in time, cost, and quality of work.


and now you're ready to understand...


How To Perform Training Within Industry Job Instruction

  • Overview: The video focuses on the Training Within Industry (TWI) job instruction, emphasizing two crucial aspects: the development of a job breakdown sheet and the teaching process.
  • Learning objectives: Understanding the four-step training process, creating an effective job breakdown sheet, implementing the basic teaching pattern, and sustaining the benefits of TWI job instructions.
  • Seven-step training process: Forms the core of the teaching process and represents steps two and three of the overall process.
  • Emphasis on synergy: Stressing the interconnectedness of the job breakdown sheet and the teaching pattern, highlighting that using them together is vital for effective training.
  • Importance of participation: The video emphasizes that the session offers an overview rather than a complete training and underscores the necessity of hands-on, participative learning for a comprehensive understanding.


Seeing an example of how to develop and use a Job Breakdown Sheet will help you...


Introduction and Overview:

  • Emphasis on the pivotal role of job breakdown within the TWI methodology for efficient training.
  • Highlighting job breakdown as the cornerstone of TWI, labeled the "secret sauce" for effective job training.
  • Practical demonstration using a fire underwriters knot to elucidate the step-by-step breakdown process.
  • Explanation of the four-step approach within TWI modules, directly applicable to job breakdown strategies.
  • Four-Step Approach Overview:

    • Emphasizes the fundamental four-step approach of Training Within Industry (TWI).
    • Step 1: Prepare the worker to learn, highlighting the importance of laying the groundwork for effective training.
  • Job Breakdown Importance:

    • Illustrates the significance of a job breakdown within TWI methodology.
    • Describes it as the 'secret sauce' of TWI, diving deeper into the breakdown process.
  • Step 1 - Prepare the Worker to Learn:

    • Discusses the significance of preparing the worker for effective learning.
    • Acknowledges the potential oversight of essential steps in training, highlighting the role of job breakdown as a cue card for trainers.
  • Job Breakdown Example - Fire Underwriters Knot:

    • Walks through an example of breaking down the process of tying a fire underwriters knot.
    • Demonstrates the breakdown into steps, key points, reasons, and critical aspects, using 'untwist and straighten' as the initial step.
  • Key Points and Reasons in Job Breakdown:

    • Emphasizes the importance of identifying key points and understanding the reasons behind each step in the breakdown.
    • Discusses how these elements contribute to effective training and comprehension.
  • Identifying Critical Aspects:

    • Explains the process of identifying critical aspects in a job breakdown.
    • Stresses the significance of recognizing what can make or break the job, endanger the worker, or simplify the task.
  • Importance of 'Why' in Training:

    • Highlights the value of understanding the 'why' behind each step in the job breakdown.
    • Stresses that comprehending the rationale aids in better understanding and retention during training.
  • Incorporating Expertise into Job Breakdown:

    • Discusses the involvement of experts in creating a job breakdown.
    • Emphasizes the need to watch experts perform tasks, noting the importance of their insights in crafting effective breakdowns.
  • Documentation and Training Matrix:

    • Advocates for documenting training, especially within ISO or quality programs.
    • Stresses the significance of creating sign-up sheets and training matrices to track and certify completed training.
  • Repetition and Training Efficiency:

    • Discusses the efficiency of short, repetitive training sessions within TWI.
    • Highlights that while the entire breakdown may take 10-15 minutes, the repetition aids in better retention and understanding.


And now you can understand...


The 4-Step Job Instruction Teaching Pattern:

  • Preparation: The trainer readies the worker and the workspace, establishing a comfortable learning environment and putting the trainee at ease.
  • Presentation: Methodically demonstrating the job step-by-step, breaking it down into manageable tasks, and repeating until understood.
  • Performance Trial: The trainee performs the job under supervision, receiving corrections and explanations for any mistakes made.
  • Follow-up: After ensuring comprehension, the trainee works independently but with support available, gradually reducing instruction as confidence grows.

and you will be ready to...

How to Train People Effectively

  • Effective Training: Explained as 'I do, we do, you do.'
  • 'I do' Phase: Demonstrating the task while narrating the thought process behind each action, allowing participants to observe and understand the reasoning.
  • 'We do' Stage: Participants perform the task while the trainer observes, providing immediate feedback, encouragement, and clearing up any confusion or hesitation.
  • 'You do' Phase: Individuals perform the task independently, receiving personalized feedback from the trainer to achieve mastery.
  • Importance: Highlighted significance of each step for comprehensive training; missing any stage undermines effectiveness.



Course Forward:

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