How to Choose Your First Continuous Improvement Project
Sep 05, 2023
Picking your first improvement project in a lean or six sigma program involves specific considerations.
Choose a Project that has both:
- Impact on the Organization: Opt for projects that have a significant impact on the organization's performance, focusing on areas that matter to the overall success of the company.
- Visibility: Ensure that the project's impact is visible, not only to management but also to shop floor colleagues, to demonstrate the program's effectiveness.
Avoid overly complex projects, especially those with a history of failed attempts, as these may lead to limited success and potential backlash.
What a first project might include:
- Restoring Basic Conditions: Expect to spend time on restoring basic conditions, especially when working on the first projects, as many processes may not have been properly maintained for some time.
- Support Systems: Plan to build support systems for the project, such as training, process confirmation, and checks, which can take more time than projects in areas with more experience.
- Involving senior-level management for motivation and obstacle removal.
Lay the foundation for more complex and impactful projects by ensuring that your first projects are successful, visible, and beneficial to the organization.
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