How to Build Rapport with B2B Sales Prospects

b2b coaching b2b consulting commercial excellence Nov 13, 2023
  1. Match Vocally: Pay attention to the prospect's vocal style, including pace, tone, and volume. Matching their vocal style helps in establishing a connection and avoiding unconscious disconnection.

  2. Match Vibe: Observe and match the overall vibe of the prospect. Adjust your pace, energy, and handshake to align with theirs. Matching vibes can create an immediate sense of connection.

  3. Break the Pattern: Stand out by breaking away from the expected behaviors of typical salespeople. Avoid generic and salesy approaches at the beginning of interactions. Breaking the pattern is crucial for building rapport.

  4. Focus on Them: Shift the focus of conversations from yourself, your product, or your company to the prospect. Understand their challenges and goals, and frame discussions in a way that centers on their needs and interests.

  5. Repeat and Rephrase: Demonstrate active listening by repeating key phrases or rephrasing what the prospect says. This not only shows understanding but also encourages them to share more details, deepening the connection.

  6. Feedback Loops: Integrate feedback loops into your conversations, especially during presentations. Use questions that prompt the prospect to confirm understanding or express their thoughts. This keeps them engaged and ensures alignment throughout the discussion.


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