How to Be More Confident and Avoid Mistakes in Sales

b2b consulting commercial excellence Nov 06, 2023

The Basic Mindset To Be a More Confident in Sales

  1. Stop Needing the Business:

    • Adopt the mindset of not needing the sale to build natural confidence.
    • Emphasizes the importance of avoiding desperation, leading to fewer mistakes.
  2. View Selling as a Game:

    • Selling is likened to a game or sport, emphasizing that it should not be taken too seriously.
    • Encourages a more unemotional approach, recognizing that rejection is not a personal attack.
  3. Take Risks:

    • Emphasizes the need to take risks in sales without fear of negative outcomes.
    • Highlights that learning from mistakes and risks leads to growth and increased confidence.
  4. Stop Fixating on Situations Gone Wrong:

    • Advises against excessive emotional energy spent on fixing situations gone wrong.
    • Encourages learning from these situations rather than trying to force a fix.
  5. Learn Every Time:

    • Stresses the importance of continuous learning in sales.
    • Emphasizes that learning from each selling situation builds resilience and confidence.
  6. SW cubed N (Some Will, Some Won't, So What, Next):

    • Introduces the mindset of accepting that not every prospect will convert, and that's okay.
    • Encourages not taking every situation too seriously, maintaining a resilient and confident attitude.
  7. Quit Making Friends:

    • Discourages the focus on making friends with prospects.
    • Advises determining fit rather than seeking emotional connections, fostering stronger emotional resilience in sales.



6 Scientifically Proven Steps to Building Rapport with Anyone in Sales

Many salespeople unknowingly repel prospects by not paying attention to key factors in their interactions, leading to missed opportunities for improvement.

  1. Vocal Matching: Matching the prospect's vocal style, including pace, tone, and volume, is crucial for building rapport. Failure to do so can create an unconscious disconnect, hindering the sales process.

  2. Vibe Matching: Observing and adapting to the prospect's overall demeanor, pace, and energy (vibe) is essential. Aligning with their vibe helps create a more immediate and positive connection.

  3. Pattern Disruption: To stand out and build rapport, salespeople must break away from predictable patterns. This involves avoiding typical sales approaches and adopting a more human and relatable tone from the beginning.

  4. Focus on Prospect: Shifting the focus from the salesperson to the prospect is crucial. WIIFM (What's In It For Me) is the prospect's primary concern, so conversations should center around their needs, challenges, and goals.

  5. Repeat and Rephrase: Repeating and rephrasing what the prospect says not only demonstrates active listening but also encourages them to delve deeper into their thoughts. This technique helps build a stronger rapport by conveying a genuine understanding of the prospect's concerns.

  6. Feedback Loops: Incorporating feedback loops, such as asking if the information makes sense or if the prospect agrees, ensures ongoing engagement. This technique helps maintain a connection during presentations and prevents disengagement.


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