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Fishbone Diagrams

a3 problem-solving machine reliability quality management Nov 01, 2023
Fishbone Diagram
  • Tom advises on using Fishbone (Ishikawa) diagrams properly for root cause analysis.
  • Suggests using the "five why's" method as a more effective alternative for diving deeper into root causes.
  • Explains that while the Fishbone diagram helps identify initial causes, it can become cluttered and lose clarity when exploring multiple potential causes.
  • Recommends using the Fishbone diagram initially to brainstorm and broaden perspectives, then shifting to focused 5Y analysis for deeper exploration.
  • Emphasizes the diagram's role in involving a team, triggering diverse thinking, and ensuring all potential causes are considered before deeper analysis.

Watch Tom Mentink's video (the best YouTube video) to do a Fishbone Diagram properly!

Course Forward:

Do you or your colleagues have any of these common Problem-Solving struggles?

# 5 Why Struggles
# Fishbone struggles
# Team-Based Approach struggles
# Problem recurrence struggles
# Change/Sustainment struggles


If someone can answer “Yes” to any of those questions… It’s very likely they haven’t developed these skills….

- Explain to a team how to do a 5 Why Analysis, the keys to success, and the common pitfalls to avoid.
- Explain to the team how to use a fishbone diagram, how to brainstorm, how to "afinitize", and how to multi-vote.  
- Lead an A3 Problem-Solving Project and Meetings using an A3 Problem-Solving tool/process.

Assess these and other Problem-Solving Skills
- Either for yourself, your team, or your colleagues
- Receive a Summary Report
- FREE and Easy!

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