Exploring Lean Simulations: A Comparative Guide to Key Providers

blended learning education opex strategy simulations and scenarios Jan 21, 2024
Lean Simulations Providers

Exploring Lean Simulations: A Comparative Guide to Training Providers


This article gives an overview of the key providers (MoreSteam, Lean Games, Gemba Academy, Lean Activity, and Belt Course) and their Simulation offerings, and compares them in different dimensions to help you choose the best option for you.


MoreSteam: Large-Scale Improvement through Simulations


  • Focus on Lean Six Sigma Simulations for large-scale projects.
  • Enterprise Process Improvement Model integrates simulations for practical application.
  • Simulation Comparison Matrix aids in selecting suitable simulations.


  • St. Sigma Hospital System, Sherlock Holmes Zombie Hunter, SigmaBrew Coffee, Tollgate Adventure.
  • Web-based simulations accessible in-person or virtually.
  • Integration into various learning models with articles on virtual settings and blended learning.

Learn more at https://www.moresteam.com/simulations.


Lean Games: Ready-to-Use Simulations for Diverse Training


  • Provides simulations and training games for consultants, trainers, and academics.
  • Features a range of products covering lean manufacturing, problem-solving, and business process improvement.
  • Testimonials highlight engagement, improvement opportunities, and enjoyment.


  • SMED Lean Simulation Kit, Lean Six Sigma Catapult Kit, Plug Game, Lean Office Game, 5S Challenge Game, 6S Challenge Game.

Learn more at https://leangames.co.uk.


Gemba Academy: Hands-On Learning through Simulations


  • Gemba Academy doesn't specialize in Simulations but focus more on their own training videos for Lean & Six Sigma Training, generic to any industry.
  • But also offers hands-on learning through a variety of simulations.


  • Videos explain how to do Small simulations like the Bouncy Ball Game, Flow Simulation, Letter Puzzle Game, and The Bridge Game.

Learn more at https://www.gembaacademy.com/school-of-lean/simulations.


LeanActivity: Interactive Lean Games for Sustainable Training


  • Lean Factory Game: Facilitated by local Lean Trainers, covering 5S, Kanban, SMED, and more.
  • LeanActivity Game Kit: Emphasizes interactivity, gamification, and positive Lean culture.


  • Inspires employees for high efficiency and productivity.
  • Serves as a door opener to better engage employees in Lean principles.
  • Ideal for establishing or extending Lean Training Programs in companies.

Learn more at https://leanactivity.com/factory-game/.



Belt Course: Blended Learning Using Virtual Simulations in Multiple Languages


  • Specializes in Blended-Learning Operational Excellence Courses and Coaching Programs.
  • Targets Industrial and Supply Chain organizations for Leadership, Problem-Solving, and Continuous Improvement.
  • Emphasis on creating a culture of continuous improvement across the organization.

Key Features:

  • Student-centered, job-specific, self-paced modules for Belts.
  • Blended Learning Flipped Classroom model for hands-on learning.
  • Fun team simulation exercises for immediate application.
  • Aims to engage 100% of the workforce in the continuous improvement journey.

Learn more at www.beltcourse.com


Comparative Analysis: Unveiling the Differences

Dimensions of Comparison:

  • Learning Approach:

    • MoreSteam: Emphasis on large-scale improvement projects.
    • Lean Games: Ready-to-use simulations for diverse training.
    • Gemba Academy: Hands-on learning through various simulations.
    • LeanActivity: Interactive Lean games for sustainable training.
    • Belt Course: Blended Learning Flipped Classroom model.
  • OpEx Methodologies and industries of focus:

    • MoreSteam: Six Sigma, any industry.
    • Lean Games: Lean, manufacturing.  
    • Gemba Academy: Lean and Six Sigma, any industry.
    • LeanActivity:  Lean, manufacturing.  (although also a lean office option)
    • Belt Course:  Leadership, TPM/WCM, Lean, A3 Thinking, Six Sigma.  Industrial and Supply Chain Organizations.  
  • Transformation Simulated:

    • MoreSteam: Project Level, Tool Level, Build Confidence.
    • Lean Games: Project Level, Tool Level, Learning and Awareness.  
    • Gemba Academy: Project Level, Tool Level, Learning and Awareness.
    • LeanActivity:  Tool Level, Learning and Awareness.
    • Belt Course:  Company Level, Site Level, Leadership Level, Pillar Team Level, Project Team Level, Tool Level, Build Confidence and Coaching skills, Awareness of Long-term Transformation. 
  • Simulations Variety:

    • MoreSteam: Diverse simulations like Sherlock Holmes Zombie Hunter and SigmaBrew Coffee.
    • Lean Games: Wide range of simulations addressing lean manufacturing and business process improvement.
    • Gemba Academy: Simulations like Bouncy Ball Game and The Bridge Game for hands-on learning.
    • LeanActivity: Lean Factory Game for team training and workshops.
    • Belt Course:  Spaced out simulations on 6 maturity levels (Leadership, Culture and Change; Strategic and CI Planning, Launching Teams, Problem-Solving, Achieving Stability, and Advanced Improvement)
  • Accessibility:

    • MoreSteam: Web-based simulations accessible in-person or virtually.
    • Lean Games: Ready-to-use simulations.
    • Gemba Academy: Online courses and resources.
    • LeanActivity: Facilitated by local Lean Trainers or available as a kit.
    • Belt Course: Web-based or Hybrid simulations, mixing and matching with other groups.
  • Integration with Learning Models:

    • MoreSteam: Articles on moving simulations to a virtual setting.
    • Lean Games: Testimonials highlight engagement and improvement opportunities.
    • Gemba Academy: Extensive resources for Lean & Six Sigma training.
    • LeanActivity: Emphasis on creating a positive Lean culture.
    • Belt Course: Integration into Blended Learning Flipped Classroom model, with lessons in preparation in any language.
  • Cost, Effort and Sustainability:

    • MoreSteam: effective approach, but very high price tag for one person to gain LSS technical skills.  
    • Lean Games: inexpensive prices but high internal costs tying up internal resources leading the games.
    • Gemba Academy: not able to purchase just small simulations, high cost of site-level memberships.  And high internal costs tying up internal resources leading the games.  In-person simulations require travel, again with high costs.   
    • LeanActivity: affordable prices but also high internal costs tying up internal resources leading the games.
    • Belt Course: cost-effective due to blended approach and mixing and matching learners into virtual groups.  


The Winner... Belt Course!  Why?

  • Tailored coaching programs for Industrial and Supply Chain organizations.
  • Blended Learning Flipped Classroom model for effective adult learning.
  • Fun team simulations for immediate application and engagement.
  • Journey-oriented approach to creating a culture of continuous improvement.


Conclusion: Choosing the Right Path to Operational Excellence

In the diverse landscape of Lean Simulations, each provider offers a unique approach. Belt Course's tailored coaching programs stand out, emphasizing a journey-oriented model for creating a culture of continuous improvement. Carefully consider the dimensions of learning approach, simulation variety, accessibility, and integration with learning models when selecting the right path to operational excellence for your organization.


Course Forward:

  • Learn more about Blended-Learning here:  https://www.beltcourse.com/blog/blended-learning-flipped-classroom 
  • Learn here why our Simulations are a Game-Changer with a Blended-Learning approach!
  • And if you'd like to go forward with a Simulation-based Blended Learning approach, why not make it easy on yourself?

    • You don’t need to design a whole structure of lessons and Simulation exercises
    • You don't need to buy Lego sets, you don’t need to schedule or plan the events, you don’t have to tie up your CI resources to teach for 8 hours in one day.
    • We do it all for you, and we do it all virtually or in a hybrid setting!
  • Example Belt Course Simulation-based Blended Learning pathways




Take advantage of our promotion taking place now for our A3 Problem-Solver course shown above!  Learn more about it here:  https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7142627086560624640/

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