Don't Make Any of These Mistakes With B2B Prospects
Dec 13, 2023![](
Avoid Doing What They Expect:
- Salespeople should avoid predictable behaviors that prospects are accustomed to.
- Standing out requires deviating from common sales tactics and approaches.
Don't Pitch, Engage in Conversation:
- Instead of delivering a rehearsed pitch, focus on engaging prospects in meaningful conversations.
- Understand their challenges before presenting a customized solution.
Lower Excitement Levels:
- High levels of enthusiasm about the product or service may be counterproductive.
- Shift the focus from the excitement about the offering to understanding the prospect's needs and concerns.
No Need for Persuasion, Focus on Understanding:
- Sales is not about persuading but understanding the prospect's needs and challenges.
- The goal is to align the product or service with what matters most to the prospect.
Limit Talking Time to 60 Seconds:
- Prospects tend to tune out after around 60 seconds of continuous talking.
- Salespeople should aim to engage prospects in a conversation and avoid monologues.
Modern Selling is not about Hardcore Closing:
- The emphasis is on guiding prospects through a valuable process rather than forcing a closure.
- Create value throughout the process, and the close should naturally follow.
Never Show Desperation or Need for the Sale:
- Demonstrating a need for the sale makes the salesperson appear weaker.
- Maintain mental strength and independence, even in challenging situations.
Always Schedule Clear and Scheduled Next Steps:
- Following up without clear next steps is a mistake.
- Every interaction should end with a scheduled next step, ensuring ongoing engagement.
Don't Let Prospects Get Back to You:
- Maintain control over the selling interaction; don't rely on prospects getting back to you.
- Propose scheduling the next steps during the conversation to avoid delays and uncertainty.
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