Daily Management System (DMS) Pillar Overview

champion / sponsor daily management system leadership operational excellence total productive maintenance world class manufacturing Nov 16, 2023
Daily Management System Pillar

This comprehensive breakdown provides a deeper exploration of Daily Management System (a.k.a Performance Control System), emphasizing its purpose, benefits, execution strategies, organizational impact, leader's role, and sustainability of implementing daily management routines for business success.


Purpose and Importance of Daily Management System Routines:

  1. Operational Enhancement: These routines reinforce behaviors and actions critical for enhancing operational efficiency and productivity.
  2. Employee Engagement: They engage employees in problem-solving and aligning with business goals on a daily basis.
  3. Culture Reinforcement: Daily routines embed a culture of continuous improvement and proactive problem-solving within the organization.
  4. Performance Visibility: They increase visibility into performance, fostering a culture of accountability and transparency.


Specific Topics Covered in the Webinar:

  1. Structural Components:
    • Emphasized the significance of daily management routines for overall business improvement.
    • Explored the linkage between these routines and adaptable business planning amidst changing paradigms.
  2. Routine Elements Explained:
    • Outlined the role and structure of morning meetings in daily operations.
    • Discussed cross-functional planning's importance in managing interdependencies.
    • Defined leader standard work and its impact on driving performance and behaviors.
  3. The Need for Adaptability:
    • Highlighted the necessity for businesses to adapt to uncertain circumstances.
    • Demonstrated how daily routines can strategically position internal resources to manage changes effectively.


Execution Framework and Implementation Strategies:

  1. Short-term Targets and Priorities:

    • Detailed the importance of setting and cascading short-term targets and big three priorities effectively.
    • Discussed strategies for embedding these priorities throughout the organization.
  2. Tiered Review System:

    • Explored the implementation of tiered meetings and boards for performance review, issue resolution, and strategic alignment.
  3. Gradual Implementation Strategies:

    • Advised on tailoring routine implementation to the business size and structure for effective and gradual adoption.
    • Emphasized the adaptability of routines, indicating that not all are obligatory but comprehensive adoption yields sustained improvements.


Organizational Impact and Benefits:

  1. Operational Efficiency: Highlighted how these routines streamline operations, making them more efficient and responsive.
  2. Communication Enhancement: Improves communication channels, ensuring everyone is aligned with organizational goals.
  3. Problem-Solving Culture: Fosters a culture where teams actively engage in identifying and solving problems proactively.
  4. Strategic Resource Allocation: Aids in better resource allocation, ensuring optimal usage to achieve business objectives.


Leader's Role and Business Performance:

  1. Leadership Commitment: Emphasized the importance of leadership commitment in embedding routines effectively.
  2. Visible Leadership: Discussed how visible leadership influences employee engagement and adherence to routines.
  3. Adaptation to Current Context: Strategies to adapt routines to the current context, such as remote work and social distancing protocols.
  4. Impact on Customer Value: Linked routine implementation to creating value for customers through coordinated efforts.


Long-Term Benefits and Sustainability:

  1. Sustained Improvement: Highlighted that businesses seeing sustained improvements typically utilize the complete system of daily routines.
  2. Long-term Culture Building: These routines contribute to building a long-term culture of continuous improvement and agility within the organization.


Course Forward:

  • Are you struggling with...
    • Buy-in or resources to implement or enhance your DMS routines?
    • Is there maybe someone in your organization who can benefit to jump on board with the proper training?
  • Partner up with your CI/OpEx Leader or Site Manager and look into starting a DMS team!



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