Critical Strategies to Close More B2B Sales

b2b coaching b2b consulting commercial excellence Nov 15, 2023

Some Background First...

  • Transitioning from B2C to B2B sales requires a shift in approach and understanding.
  • In B2B sales, closing deals takes more time, often requiring four to five meetings due to hierarchical structures.
  • B2B is fundamentally structured hierarchically, with every level having a boss, and larger deals take longer to materialize.
  • Value-based selling is crucial in B2B, where offering knowledge, insights, and education is key to engaging potential clients.
  • Building a strong network is vital in B2B sales, as introductions from trusted contacts provide a shortcut past gatekeepers and enhance trust in the business relationships.


  • Clarify Your Value Proposition:

    • Have a quick and rehearsed response when asked about your business.
    • Script and memorize your value proposition as it is crucial from a sales perspective.
  • Focus on Their Challenges:

    • Move away from selling features and benefits.
    • Understand and address the prospects' challenges, as solutions to their challenges drive sales.
  • Get Face to Face:

    • For high-end products or services, prioritize face-to-face interactions.
    • Meeting prospects in person increases the close rate, differentiating from competitors relying solely on phone sales.
  • Be Proud of Premium Pricing:

    • Premium pricing is not a drawback; it signifies value.
    • Emphasize the value you provide rather than competing on price.
  • Offer Three Option Proposals:

    • Provide three different proposal options to prospects.
    • Options range from basic (inexpensive) to mid-level to premium, setting the value for the offered solutions and reducing the likelihood of being shopped around.


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