
When Kaizen Events and Tips for Success

Watch this video:

Kaizen Events - When and How to use them

(Here's the video summary for your reference:

Then, answer a couple of questions by clicking the button below to start.


Question 1 of 4

Can you think of specific examples when your organization could use Kaizen events?  List them below.  Why would kaizen event be the appropriate methodology?

Question 2 of 4

Do you have enough and the right people (recommended:  process owners) to fully lead kaizen events on their own?   If not, how can we get them the right training and coaching?

Question 3 of 4

Can you think of times when you could use a kaizen event during a DMAIC project?  (Hint: in one of the phases maybe...)

Question 4 of 4

If you're going to do embed an A3 Problem-Solving in a Kaizen, do your kaizen leaders also have the right A3 Problem-Solving facilitation skills?

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