
How to Succeed During Your First 90 Days as a CI Manager

Watch this video:

First 90 days as CI manager

Then look over this summary article and identify the opportunities within your organization. (There are assessments and tools available in there to help you do so.  )  Link:

After completing the items above, answer a couple of questions by clicking the button below.  You will get your results by email.


Question 1 of 2

What status in the STARS model is your site in?  What status in the STARS model is your CI team(s) in?  Explain your reasoning.

Question 2 of 2

Given your situation and your level of expertise in CI/OpEx, what would you do differently than you were planning to do during your first 90 days.  If you already went through your first 90 days (or even if you've been in the role for a longer time), are there any items you can revisit?  What would you do?

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