
High-level OpEx Implementation Plan and How to Start

Watch these videos:

Continuous Improvement Process

Learn How to Start Your Lean Journey

Download your own OpEx Implementation Plan template here:  OpEx Deployment Plan Template

 Then answer a couple of questions, by clicking the button below.


Question 1 of 3

The video mentioned a sensei.  At Belt Course, we prefer Coaches.  Do you have active access to a coach in your organization that has already traveled the path that you want to take?   Can this coaching program supplement that coaching?

Question 2 of 3

Have you struggled before with starting a Lean implementation in just one product family?  (Possible reasons: too many product families, too many shared assets) Have you considered starting with one whole site (plant) instead and focus on the plant bottleneck/constraint?

Question 3 of 3

To identify an early win, have we identified a plant or division where we have the readiness to implement an Operating System?  Could we use this as an example of what's possible to show other plants/divisions?    During a "Beginning" Coaching call, we'll be able to help you with this step.

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